1. To produce and sell high and quality plants of local demand and suitable garden crops (fruits, fruits, vegetables, spices)
2. The modern breed of garden crops, developed from various research institutes, are made available to the farmers and the public through the collection, management and breeding of modern varieties of the crops.
3. To make the locally selected and developed gardens available to the farmers and the public through collection, management and breeding of crops.
4. Expanding the park crop to enthusiastic people including high-tech farmers
5. Setting up exhibition plots of mother garden for local needs and well-developed gardens
6. Providing subject-based training to farmers
7. Provide for all class farmers with a demand for garden crop-based services
8. Encourage and advise farmers and enthusiasts to increase the cultivation of park crops in planned way
9. Encouraging farmers and the public about the importance and needs of the park crop for environmental conservation, food security and socio-economic development
10. Advice on fruit garden creation and management
11. Providing the necessary advice and support for the production of garden crops on a commercial basis
12. To provide services to the benefit-seeking community according to the programme/instructiongiven given by the Department at various times.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS